It wouldn’t be wrong to call Banner Blindness a true nightmare of every advertiser’s. But you can beat it today!! Learn the best ways to fight banner blindness to make your advertisement visible.
What is Banner Blindness?
Over many years, people are adopted to ignore banner ads- they almost do not notice them at all. This phenomenon where web-visitors unconsciously or even consciously ignore banner-like information is called Banner Blindness. Also called banner noise, this has been a huge issue among advertisers.
Studies have shown that only about 14% of visitors remember the last banner ad they saw and the product is promoted. Even with the use of today’s sophisticated technology, getting the attention of customers is a major challenge. Let’s learn how to effectively beat this banner blindness.
Think outside the box
You might have heard this suggestion before, but never known what this means. In the mid-90s the CTR was about 44% and now it is 0.01%. Back then, banner ads were new to the people and they were curious. But after 20 years, banners are so common that people have lost their interest. So unless you keep your banner fresh, exciting, and new, it is not going to work.
Being innovative and creative with your design can somehow beat banner blindness. Adding video elements to the banner, using the background of an entire website as a banner, and using welcome pages for ad display can be useful. The taglines should be short and captivating. Attractive elements of surprise always work the best.
Ad Placement
Try changing the placement of your banner. Place your ads in places where it can grab the attention of people. You can place it at the top of the page, in the text or after the text, or between the blog posts. If your ad is interactive and surprising. Users are likely to notice the banners that are placed right ‘above the fold’ of the website- at the top of the page.
Relevant Content
Creating relevant ads to the content of the website helps in beating banner blindness. The study suggests that only 2.8% of ads placed on any website are relevant.
As an advertiser, you need to understand that audiences are only interested in a relevant solution. Do not deliver ads without identifying the need of your visitors. Use relevant keywords and choose the best ad network that can link with visitors of specific focus.
The use of cookies helps you know the previous visitors and make relevant personal ads to improve the CTR.
Use of Technology
If you are to stand best in the market, the old fashioned image banner is not going to work anymore. Customize your color and fonts- default and standard look will not be working now. Other latest techniques that can be used are listed here.
- 3D Photo Ads
- 360-degree Banner
- AR banner ads
To Sum Up,
In simple words, you can overcome banner blindness by making better ads. How? Knowing what customers want to see and then giving them the same is the key. This is totally about their demand, not yours!!!