QR code

QR Code – How to best use them for small business marketing?

With the introduction of faster and smarter technology each year, most people are now using their phones for everything. In the 21st century, everything is accessible in a snap- one…

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whatsapp marketing

WhatsApp Marketing- A new way to reach your customer

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook still remains the largest platform to engage with customers. But did you know that WhatsApp is second in the race with more than…

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ad network

What is an Ad Network?

The ads that appear in the middle of our YouTube video or the ones on the website we visit are all the contributions of the digital ad network. In the…

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digital transformation

Digital Transformation In Nepal

Nepal has embarked on technology and economic revolution after the digital transformation in the nation. The increasing investment in the digital technology of every field is unsettling the traditional business…

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email marketing

Is E-mail Marketing Dead?

There’s a myth that Millennials don’t use email anymore. You must have heard how social media is completely replacing email. But the truth is that nobody is abandoning email. Despite,…

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google search algorithm

Google Search Algorithm 2020 Updates

Google search engine now seems like an old system that is pretty easy to understand. But as a matter of fact, Google has a complex algorithm system that is used…

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lead generation

How to Run a Lead Generation Campaign?

Running a successful lead generation campaign means achieving higher growth and higher profits. The purpose of the campaign is to drive sales leads by increasing the webinar registrations. Generating leads…

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Pi network

Pi Network

You might have heard of Bitcoin and Ether but never known what they actually are. These two are well-known cryptocurrencies that are being used for years. Pi Network has recently…

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Responsive ads

Build a Responsive AD Banner with HTML5

We, humans, are no longer chained to the classic ‘printed page’ metaphor. Now the internet adapts to fill whatever space available – either mobile phone screens or massive cinema displays….

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digital marketing

Five Things to Know About Digital Marketing in Nepal

Over the past few years, Nepal has been tilting towards the use of digital marketing. Traditional marketing makes the major portion of the advertisement network even today. The shift towards…

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