Nepal has embarked on technology and economic revolution after the digital transformation in the nation. The increasing investment in the digital technology of every field is unsettling the traditional business techniques and making a clear pathway towards the digital economy. The digitalization of Nepal visions to transform the entire nation into an empowered society. As the digital infrastructure grows to be a crucial utility to every citizen, we moved a step closer towards globalization.
Nepal Adapting to Digital Change
The digital transformations of Nepal are continuous and yet slow. 20 million Nepalese (account 70 percent of the total population) are connected to the internet. As the connectivity becomes stronger, technology is quickly changing nearly all sectors of Nepal’s economy.
Digital transformation has also the most impactfully shaken communication practices. Quick and personalized internal and external communication made the business sector effective. Huge access to the internet is can be used for digital communication made the business sector effective. Huge access to the internet is can be used for digital communication, e-commerce, and online marketing. Due to the influence of the latest technology, e-commerce has grown to be in the trend. Easy digital payment platforms have promoted self-friendly online shopping avenues. The use of debit cards/ credit cards, ATMs, and digital gateways for payments are common. The education industry has witnessed a digital transformation in 2073 after the establishment of Nepal Open University. The effort of the government for digitizing the agriculture sector is also visible- agriculture management information system. After the Corona Virus pandemic, the transformation in all of these fields was seen.
Issue for Digital Transformation in Nepal
Digital transformation in Nepal is easier said than done. Historically speaking, the digital revolution has been slow with the poor vision in the development activities. lack of long-term policy planning and management is our true problem. Disconnected enterprise, lack of strong database, lack of facts, poor service delivery, and inefficient markets are responsible for the slow transformation. Corruption and disempowerment of the government and local level are equally a barrier.
How to pace the Digital Transformation?
Planners and policymakers are the core to keep up with the pace with the global digital revolution. The digital transformation of Nepal is only possible with the involvement of diverse stakeholders and investment in process innovation, and institutional learning should be made. Enough investment in training and change management should be made.
Digital Technology and COVID-19
The spread of this pandemic has made unexpected changes in the digital technology of the world. As many businesses moved online, the nature of co-operative work has changed completely. Remote working with digital communication has been proven to be effective. The rapid change in every field such as e-commerce, education, entertainment, and so on has been witnessed after the coronavirus pandemic.
Lastly, digital technology can make the business very powerful and competitive. Rapid digitalization is important for the sustainable socio-economic growth of Nepal. Looking at the efforts from government and private entities, the digital economy in Nepal seems to be a possibility.