It’s obvious that patience is not something the public has anymore. As per the research, 47% of the public expects any web page to open in less than 2 seconds. If a web page has not been loaded by 3 seconds, 40% of the public will abandon it. That is why the concept of Facebook Instant article has been introduced.
Back in 2014, the number of people who access the internet via mobile was greater than a number of people using the internet via desktop. Marketers than scrambling for a mobile-friendly website. The user spends 90% of their time on mobile using different mobile apps. Facebook being the most popular one, the team has done everything to keep people engaged. Facebook Instant Article is their recent concept.
Facebook Instant Article is used with the collaboration of the content publishers. When a publisher selects Instant Articles, publish browsing through the Facebook app in their mobile can view the article within the app. To accomplish the goal of a quick load goal, Facebook allows any publishers to host content on its own servers.
But Instant article is much more than just speedy load times. They allows higher interactivity for the public with features like:
- Tap for a full-screen view
- Tilt or turn the mobile phone to see peripherals of the image that can not immediately be viewed
- Watch auto play video
Pros of Facebook Instant Article
Facebook has added these features for their fans’ experience:
- Offer costume display themes that will reflect your brand identity.
- Allow embedding an email lead capture.
- Let publisher post ‘branded content’
- Include other related content at the end of your article
Cons of Facebook Instant Article
Instant Articles are of great use for the viewers. But what about its effectiveness for the publishers?
- Despite of Facebook’s various monetization plan, publishers have experienced difficulty in fitting Instant Articles to their business model.
- Social network claims a 30% cut when you use Facebook’s audience to earn revenue via ads
- You can claim 100% income while selling your ads but Facebook limits the number of places where you can post the article.
So what is your verdict? Do the pros out weigh the cons here?
Let’s have a detailed look.
As per the research, the number of public reading Instant Article is 20-40% more than the mobile web articles. The number was seen to be higher in countries like India, Mexico, Brazil, and the Philippines. Also, it reported 30% clicks and 70% less bounce. It has been reported that the number of people coming back to the website has also increased with the Instant Articles.
How to make Facebook Instant Article?
Step1: First you shall Sign-Up for the Facebook Instant Article.
Step 2: The choose the Facebook page where you wish to publish your Instant Article.
Step 3: Claim a URL that serves as the basic URL all for your Instant Article to be published. You need to manually convert every article you publish.
Step 4: Now all you need to do is submit the article to Facebook for the approval.
Final Say,
To keep up with the increasing internet speed, you need to provide the customers with the pages that loads quickly. Although the concept of Instant Article sounds news, it’s the future of the web market.