Have you ever feel like buying something just for its popularity? Have you ever expressed trust for some random product only because it’s brand?
Yeah, we have all done that. We have argued in favor of our favorite brand and defended it at some point.
And that’s exactly what we are talking about.
Over time, we can feel the growing recognition of the importance of brand image for success in the market.
A good brand image enhances the experience of the customer and give a long term commitment. Good brand image positively impacts the loyalty of customers. In the long run, it also enables satisfaction and offers for sustainable profit.
When we discuss the brand image, what we exactly mean is how the service/product is perceived by potential clients. Brand image is like the personality of your business. Building a brand image isn’t an easy job. It demands years of dedication. And when you build a strong one, your business flourishes as you have always dreamed.
Impact of Brand Image on Customer Loyalty
Once your company builds image of its own, its benefits are:
- The increasing number of potential customers as they are aware of your product/service
- Once the trust is built, the customer themselves express faith in your quality,
- The number of returning customer will be the trust asset of your business,
- They express commitment to your product/services and switch the brand only in case of extremes,
- Your brand make the parts of communication and discussion within the people
And in digital marketing it’s game-changer. Journey, brands with good image adopt inbound marketing with an average of 54% more leads than the traditional paid methods.
How to Improve Brand Image?
Every business has its up and down. But the best one remains strong in the toughest time. Don’t let anyone and anything discourage you! With time, your brand image solidified.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing anything and just waiting. You need to do other things as well.
Make Investment in Visual Assets
A brand image also has a brand logo. Are your logo and boards worth an international recognization? If you need, hire a graphic designer and make your own brand color palette, header, acceptable fonts, letterhead, and thumbnails for social media, and other ads.
Improving Your Brand Online
Making your online presence markable is very important. Make your site appear in the social media, and search engine. Treat your website as your office. Keep it beautiful, clean, and effective.
Your online brand image connects to the leads who will preferably convert into a customer.
As we already know, customers are the major assets of the business. So, you need to learn about their perception. Make your website customer friendly. Always encourage them to provide feedback about your brand. And also, take it into consideration.
You can also improve your brand image offline. You can use techniques such as Community Involvement, Events, Sponsorship, and In-Store Experience.
The perception of your brand within the customer is of great importance for a business. They always show commitment and dedication to your product and service.